<!DESCRIPTION> Use this script to create quick and easy alert and confirmation scripts. Pick what you want, enter your text and get the source code.
1. Copy code into the HEAD section of document
2. Put last coding into the BODY section of document -->
<!-- STEP ONE: Add code into HEAD section of document -->
<!-- Begin
// alert(' Welcome to JavaScripter, a quick and easy script writing tool. This is BETA 1.01 so it has very few options. We will be adding more complicated ones soon, so drop by again sometime. If you want to place JavaScripter on your site just ask at jaalibbrandl@hotmail.com or copy-paste it from here. But please leave in the short notes that mention J2 (Including this little message). Thanks! -J2')
// HTML for Alert Maker
var alt = ('<center><b>Alert Maker</b><br><form name=alrt>Alert Text: <input type="text" name="txt" size="20" maxlength="200"><br><input type="button" onclick="makealrt()" value="Make It!"></form></center>')
// HTML for Confirm Maker
var err = ('Error!')
// Function gets value and puts in HTML for that creation routine
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.</center><br>'+prtone+itall+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
// Function to put out confirm link-stay
function nojo() {
var nox = document.isop.asop.value
var cox = document.isop.ksop.value
var prtone = ('<script>var answer=confirm("')
var prttwo = ('")')
var prta = ('if (answer) {')
var prtb = ('window.location("')
var prtbb = ('");')
var prtc = ('}')
var prtd = ('else {')
var prte = ('document.write("");')
var prtf = ('}')
var prtg = ('</script>')
var tail = ('</textarea>')
var br = ('<br>')
alert("The next window will be your confirm.");
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.</center><br>'+prtone+nox+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+cox+prtbb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
//Function to put out alert text
function makealrt() {
var goose = document.alrt.txt.value
alert("The next alert will be what yours will look like.");
var prtone = ('<script>alert("')
var prttwo = ('")</script>')
var tail = ('</textarea>')
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the alert.<br><textarea name=name rows=10 cols=40>'+prtone+goose+prttwo+tail)
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Add code into BODY section of document -->
2. Put last coding into the BODY section of document -->
<!-- STEP ONE: Add code into HEAD section of document -->
<!-- Begin
// alert(' Welcome to JavaScripter, a quick and easy script writing tool. This is BETA 1.01 so it has very few options. We will be adding more complicated ones soon, so drop by again sometime. If you want to place JavaScripter on your site just ask at jaalibbrandl@hotmail.com or copy-paste it from here. But please leave in the short notes that mention J2 (Including this little message). Thanks! -J2')
// HTML for Alert Maker
var alt = ('<center><b>Alert Maker</b><br><form name=alrt>Alert Text: <input type="text" name="txt" size="20" maxlength="200"><br><input type="button" onclick="makealrt()" value="Make It!"></form></center>')
// HTML for Confirm Maker
var err = ('Error!')
// Function gets value and puts in HTML for that creation routine
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.</center><br>'+prtone+itall+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
// Function to put out confirm link-stay
function nojo() {
var nox = document.isop.asop.value
var cox = document.isop.ksop.value
var prtone = ('<script>var answer=confirm("')
var prttwo = ('")')
var prta = ('if (answer) {')
var prtb = ('window.location("')
var prtbb = ('");')
var prtc = ('}')
var prtd = ('else {')
var prte = ('document.write("");')
var prtf = ('}')
var prtg = ('</script>')
var tail = ('</textarea>')
var br = ('<br>')
alert("The next window will be your confirm.");
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the confirm. Do NOT remove breaks.</center><br>'+prtone+nox+prttwo+br+prta+br+prtb+cox+prtbb+br+prtc+br+prtd+br+prte+br+prtf+br+prtg+br+tail)
//Function to put out alert text
function makealrt() {
var goose = document.alrt.txt.value
alert("The next alert will be what yours will look like.");
var prtone = ('<script>alert("')
var prttwo = ('")</script>')
var tail = ('</textarea>')
document.all.myspan.innerHTML = ('<center>Insert the text below into your HTML to make the alert.<br><textarea name=name rows=10 cols=40>'+prtone+goose+prttwo+tail)
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Add code into BODY section of document -->